# Question and Answer

Published 2024-03-14

# Steering Doesn't Work

This can be multiple things.

# 1. Check that the SDK Controller plugin is enabled.

1.1. In the app, click the "Plugins" button on the leftmost sidebar
1.2. Make sure that the SDKController plugin looks like this:
Enabled SDK Controller Plugin
If it is grey, you should double click it to enable it.

# 2. Check that the input files exist

2.1. Open up Steam and head over to your libray
2.2. Find ETS2 in your library, then hit this button:
Settings button highlighted in red
2.3. Then, hit "Manage", and "Browse Local Files"
Buttons highlighted in red
2.4. In the file explorer window that opens, go through these folders:
bin > win_x64 > plugins
2.5. In this directory, there should be 2 files:
If these files are not there, or the plugins folder does not exist, you should run First Time Setup again.

# 3. Contact Us

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