# Installation

Published 2024-03-03

# Manual Installation

This is a guide for installing the app manually. Manual installation doesn't use any .exe or .bat files, but is also less convenient than the installer.

Features you will miss:
Features you will still have:
  • A shortcut to the app on your desktop / start menu.
  • A virtual python environment for the app, we will install everything globally.
  • Access to the debug script (send us data when we're troubleshooting).
  • Automatic updates (if you use the git download method).
  • And every app feature the installer has too (the versions are identical, and get pulled from the same repository).

# Step 1: Download python and git

  • Go to the Python website and download the latest version of Python 3.11 (as of writing this is 3.11.8).
  • Make sure to enable Add python to Path during the installation.
  • Other settings can be on default.
  • Go to the Git website and download the latest version of Git.
  • The settings can all be on default.

# Step 2: Download the app

  • Make a new folder for the app, preferably C:\LaneAssist\ as that is the default location the installer uses.
  • Open a cmd or powershell in that folder.
    • Either right click empty space in the folder while holding shift and select Open Powershell window here or Open cmd window here.
    • Or open a cmd or powershell and navigate to the folder with cd C:\LaneAssist\.
  • Run the following command to clone the app to the C:\LaneAssist\app folder.
    git clone https://github.com/Tumppi066/Euro-Truck-Simulator-2-Lane-Assist.git app
  • Move your console to that folder: cd app
  • Go to the app repository and click the green Code button and select Download ZIP.
  • Extract the zip file to C:\LaneAssist\app.
  • Open a new cmd or powershell in the folder.
    • Either right click empty space in the folder while holding shift and select Open Powershell window here or Open cmd window here.
    • Or open a cmd or powershell and navigate to the folder with cd C:\LaneAssist\app.

# Step 3: Install the app

  • Make sure you have a cmd or powershell open in the C:\LaneAssist\app folder.
  • Run the following command to install the app.
    • python install.py
  • Make sure you have a cmd or powershell open in the C:\LaneAssist\app folder.
  • Run the following command to install the app.
    • pip install -r requirements.txt

# Step 4: Run the app

  • Create the run.bat file in the C:\LaneAssist folder.
  • Type the following into the file and save it.
@echo off
cd app
python main.py
  • You can now easily run the app by double clicking the run.bat file.
  • You can also right click the run.bat file and select Send to -> Desktop (create shortcut) to create a shortcut on your desktop.
  • Make sure you have a cmd or powershell open in the C:\LaneAssist\app folder.
  • Run the following command to run the app.
    • python main.py

# Troubleshooting

There are no known issues yet, if you find one, then please report it to me on Discord