# LSTRLaneDetection

Published 2024-02-18

# Description

A depreciated lane detection model that searches for lane lines on the screen. This model can be low on CPU usage. This is because it searchs in patches of pixels instead of each indiviual pixel. This lowers accuracy though. If you have a GPU an alternative to this is UFLD, although Navigation Detection is reccomended as it is the best lane detection model.

# Usage

Run through First Time Setup and select LSTR as your detection method.

# Configuration / UI

Allows you to select a custom model for LSTR to run on. This can mess with performance and accuracy.

# Installation

This plugin will install the following python packages:

Used for image proccessing. In this case, we create the lane lines to display.

Loads the LSTR model.

Allows for use of the LSTR model.

Used to display lane lines and symbols.

# Requirements

Steers using the detection results.

Show the detection results and steering data.

Provides a image of your screen to search for lanes in.